After considerable reading on the subject of Flukes and Ich.... I'm hoping for the best. I was able to purchase a bottle of the PraziPro to treat the flukes and some other possible buggers, like tape worm. Although the bottle of PraziPro states not to use the medicine in conjunction with any other meds, I have been reading online that it actually works better when used in conjunction with products like QuIck Cure or Ich-X.
I started using the QuIck Cure 3 days ago. The ich is noticably better on the fish. I've done two full tank water changes during that time. Today, I added the PraziPro as directed for the tank size, waited two hours and then added a dose of QuIck Cure. I will wait three days now to do another QuIck Cure treatment and then two more days to do a follow-up PraziPro treatment. Now, if this doesn't cure what ails this itty bitty guy, I'm not sure what more I can do. S/He is still scratching her/himself on the plants, but it is not as frequent as before. Also, s/he is no longer doing the "shimmy shake" dance that s/he was originally doing when I first brought her/him home. The ich spots on her/his fins have dropped off. Now we'll have to wait to see if those dastardly skin flukes drop off in the next day or so.
Based on what I've read, the PraziPro is supposed to kill the parasites (internally and externally) within a few hours. But I always assume that truly means a day or two.... The fact that the meds did not seem to impact the fish (i.e. s/he didn't start spinning or doing loop-de-loops) is a good sign. I did feed the little gal/guy a big meal this morning. I did not know if food with the meds would be a problem. But apparently didn't matter.

That's about it for now. I'll try to remember to post the parasite results within the week.
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