Until now, I either never realized that any of my fish had flukes, and they simply died as a result of, or I've been lucky that my fish haven't had them... if that makes any sense!

Yesterday, I picked up a little itty bitty Black Moor (not much bigger than my thumb) only to discover that s/he had ich and it also had some other varmits attached to it's side. The parasites are a lot smaller than a grain of rice, but slightly larger than the ich. At first, I thought it was anchor worms, but closer inspection reveals that it is something that certainly resembles all the images of skin flukes that I can find online.
My intent was to add the goldfish in with two other goldfish that reside in my house. I recently purchased a 20 gallon acrylic tank. Shameless ad inserted here - if you want a great looking acrylic tank, built to your specifications, or standard sizes, for only a little more than a glass tank, then contact glasscages.com I ordered the tank for my grand-daughter's two common goldfish that have more than doubled in size in a little more than four months. I decided to get a Black Moor to add some variety to the tank. I already have a 30 gallon in the wings for the inevitable point in time of needing a bigger tank. Anyways, back to the new black goldfish.

I immediately started doing research and found that most ponds that raise goldfish and koi have to deal with flukes on a regular basis.... UGH! Apparently, there is a product that a person can buy over the counter called praziquantel(sp?) that should kill the flukes without weakening the little fish any more than s/he already appears. It took some time to find this medication, but an aquarium supply store in a neighboring town has it in stock. Otherwise, I would have purchased it online and hoped that the fish survived the wait. In the meantime, I have been dosing the quarantine tank (yes, I use it) with "QuIck Cure" and a added some aquarium salt for the ich. I also put in an air stone to help add water movement. The fish is eating, so I believe that as a good sign. Wish me luck on this!
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