I created a corral to keep the fish away from the filter's intake. I purchased some plastic canvas for needlepoint projects. The size I picked up was the 7 holes/inch. I tightly wrapped the canvas around the base of the filter so that it extended two inches below the bottom down into the gravel of the tank. I used dental floss to sew the canvas together to make a "fitted" tube. I think this will work. I did this on the two small tanks; 2.5 and 5 gallon tanks. I also picked up an HOB filter that I have put onto the 10 gallon for now so that it builds up bacteria. I'll make a little corral around the intake tube for that as well, just to minimize the likelihood of any other small fish being sucked in.
In the meantime, I have moved the remaining platys into my large tank that is just about done cycling. It has been holding steady at .5 ppm ammonia levels for two weeks now.... nitrites come and go, but I just don't think I have the waste load necessary to push it past this stage. I added two platys in hopes of pushing it over into nitrites so that we can finish this chapter.
I picked up 4 small female Bettas to quarantine in the 5 gallon with the new filter corral. They seem fine in there. I need to put together a little Betta condo to give them some space to get away from each other. They certainly do flare at each other, but not like male Bettas. I want to add them to the community tank after quarantine is done and since they need to go in as a unit to minimize stress, I'm letting them pick their "pecking order" out now. One indigo, one red, one pink with red fins and one light purple iridescent. They are all beautiful in different ways.